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Ukrainian tragedy did not bypass the country's notaries


"After aggression against our nation started, several notaries whom I had known had shut down their offfices and joined the volunteers' forces. We are deeply worries about several Donetsk and Lugansk notaries who went missing during the conflict. It's horrable to think about their fate", - Olga Golubicha told her Lithuanian colleagues upon arrival to Vilnius, where she was going to to attend an international notarial conference.

She told that many notaries, including herself, attend medical and shooting courses in order to be capable to defend their country.

According to O. Golubnicha, due to the fighting some of notarial achives went missing or have been destroyed.

After Crimea annexation by Russia, many notaries lost their jobs or left for Ukraine, although some applied for Russian citizenship and requalified for notarial jobs according to Russian legal norms.

Kiev notary, Olga Golubnicha in Vilnius.

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