The Law on the Notariat of the Republic of Lithuania came into force on 1 December 1992. The Law was the basis to commence reforming the notariat in Lithuania.
There are 225 notaries in Lithuania. Notaries join together in the Chamber of Notaries.
Major objectives of the Chamber of Notaries:
• to exercise the self-governance of notaries;
• to coordinate the activities of notaries;
• to take care of the legal culture and professional development of notaries;
• to make the notarial practice more uniform;
• to draft regulatory legal acts related to the notariat and submit them to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania;
• to inform the public about the functions carried out by notaries.
The Chamber of Notaries follow the Statute of the Chamber of Notaries in their activities.
Bodies of the Chamber of Notaries:
• Assembly of members of the Chamber of Notaries;
• Presidium of the Chamber of Notaries;
• President of the Chamber of Notaries;
• Vice-President of the Chamber of Notaries;
• Court of Honour of Notaries;
• Audit Commission of the Chamber of Notaries;
• Commission of Assessment of Notaries.
The managing bodies of the Chamber of Notaries are the Presidium and the President.
On 11 February 1994, the Lithuanian notariat was admitted to the International Union of Notaries (UINL). On 1 May 2004, the Lithuanian notariat acceded to the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE).