An award ceremony took place at the international conference which was dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of notarial reform in Lithuania.
Professor Pakalniškis took office of Minister of Justice in 1991-1992 and 1996-1999. He took active part in drafting and implementing the Law on Notariat, which came into effect on December 1, 1992. Professor Prapiestis, who is a Signatory of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania, took office of Minister of Justice in 1992-1996. He took part in implementing a newly-introduced Law on Notariat and promoting its principles. Academician Vytautas Nekrošius has contributed to drafting dozens of legal amendments, including the Law on Notariat, and he was an author of dozens of sientific works dedicated to legal professions, including notariat.
On December 1, 2017, the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries commemorated the 25th Anniversary of notarial reform which terminated the tradition of Soviet state-run notariat and implemented the principles of Latin notaries. Now 261 notary works in Lithuania.Professor Vytautas Pakalniškis received a medal from Marius Stračkaitis, President of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries.
Professor Jonas Prapiestis receives J. Vilkutaitis-Keturakis' commemorative medal.
Academician Vytautas Nekrošius receives congratulations after being awarded.
Photos by Martynas Ambrazas and Olga Posaškova.