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Residents of Lithuania trust in notaries -- opinion poll by Spinter tyrimai


Picture by: Hiranmay Baidya/iStock
Residents in Lithuania trust in notaries most among legal professions, with average rating of 7.24, opinion poll by Spinter Tyrimai, commissioned by the Lithuanian Bar Association, shows.
Notaries outmatch police officers (7.02 points rating), who have been leaders so far. Lawyers are in third place (6.74 points).
Lithuanians do not have a strong opinion about trust in other professions - they tend neither to trust nor to mistrust the State Security Department employees (6.35), the Department of Special Investigations (6.26) or Financial Crimes Investigation Service (6.25) officials, judges (6.07), prosecutors (6,02) and bailiffs (5,1).
The survey was conducted on May 18-28, 2021. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 respondents between the ages of 18 and 75. The Lithuanian Bar Association has been conducting such a survey every year since 2019.

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