German delegates met the members of the Presidium of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries as well as President of Estonian Chamber of Notaries Merle Saar-Johanson and the President of the Council of Sworn notaries of Latvia Janis Skrastins.
Mr. Kohler introduced his priorities for the term of German CNUE presidency. Parties exchanged news and notarial topics, the discussion on intersections of notarial law and competition law also took place.
CNUE President Marius Kohler (center), Vice President of German Federal Chamber of Notaries Richard Bock (left).
President of Estonian Chamber of Notaries Merle Saar-Johanson (left), President of Council of Sworn Notaries of Latvia Janis Skrastins, member of the Presidium of Lithuanian Chamber of notaries Svajonė Šaltauskienė.