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New notarial deeds take effect in Lithuania this year


According to the amendments of the Law on Notariate, the following new functions are introduced on January 1, 2016:

- granting notaries powers of issuing enforcement records related to notarized deeds;

- authenticating documents with Apostille;

- providing mediation services.

The amendments of the Civil Code have also introduced the higher role of notaries when dealing with legal incapacity. Notaries are now empowered with validating the durable power of attorney to the individuals who wish to make necessary arrangements in case of becoming legally incapable. Notaries have been also granted the right to notarize the aid decision contracts.

„After passing of the above-mentioned amendments in Seimas (Parliament), the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries undertook some serious efforts in preparing notaries for their new functions and responsibilities. A number of seminars and professional training sessions have already taken place and will be continued in order to ensure that notaries provide the most professional and competent service to clients", Marius Stračkaitis, the President of Chamber of Notaries, said.

According to the law, the notaries are now required to have both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in legal studies or a single-step lawyer's qualification university degree.

The practice of candidate notaries, or assessors, will be extended from 1 year to two years. Candidates other than assesors must undergo 6 month practice period before becoming notaries.

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