In the photo: CNUE leadership for the term of 2023: elected vice-president, president of the Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania Marius Stračkaitis and elected president, German notary dr. Peter Stelmaszczyk
Amid preparations for Lithuania's upcoming presidency of the Council of Notaries of the European Union (CNUE), the president of the Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania, Marius Stračkaitis, was elected vice-president of CNUE for the term of 2023.
This move took place at the meeting of the CNUE General Assembly held in Brussels on December 9, 2022.
In his new responsibilities M. Stračkaitis will assist the representative of Germany, which will chair the CNUE in 2023, Dr. Peter Stelmaszczyk, who was elected president of the CNUE for the 2023 term. In January 2023, Dr. Stelmaszczyk, notary of the city of Burscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, will take over the presidency of the organization from Italian notary Giampaolo Marcoz.
The Lithuanian notariat will chair the CNUE in 2024.
The Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania joined the CNUE in 2004, after Lithuania became a full member of the European Union. Currently, CNUE unites notaries of 22 EU countries and represents more than 40 thousand notaries working on the European continent.