Notaries who are celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Notarial Reform in Lithuania are trusted by residents the most among ten legal professions and institutions, according to a sociological survey. Notaries are trusted by 68 percent of Lithuanian residents, followed by police officers, who are trusted by 64 percent of respondents.
The sociological survey conducted by the Public Opinion and Market Research Center "Vilmorus" in November 2022 was commissioned by the Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania.
Advocates take the third position (51 percent) in terms of public confidence. Trust in this profession that protects people's rights has increased by 9 percentage points over the year (in 2021 it was 43%).
"I am pleased that for several years in a row, notaries, policemen and lawyers are legal professions most trusted by the population. This shows that society basically trusts the legal model of our state. Notaries guarantee the rule of law in civil relations. The police ensure public order. Lawyers protect the rights of each of us. Public trust in these legal professions testifies that the architects of the Constitution and the most important legal acts of our country did not make mistakes, their vision and chosen paths were correct. And what is right does not need to be destroyed or demolished. It is only possible to improve", said Marius Stračkaitis, president of the Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania.
He spoke the conference dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of Notarial Reform, held on December 3 in Vilnius, in the Palace of the Rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The event was attended by delegates representing legal professions from Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Ukraine and other countries. Law and history academicians as well as prominent representatives of courts and the bar made their adresses.
December 1, 1992 the Notary Law came into force, which reformed the post-Soviet state notary into a Western Latin-type profession, based on the principle that the state authorizes private individuals to perform notarial acts.
Commissioned by the Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania, the Center for Public Opinion and Market Research "Vilmorus" surveyed 1,000 Lithuanian residents in 27 cities and more than 40 villages on November 19-26, 2022.