Each year more people in Lithuania support the idea of legalizing same-sex partnerships and marriages, but traditional conservative attitude still prevails, opinion poll by Vilmorus shows.
According to the sociological research, commissioned by Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, 13 per cent of respondents support the proposal of legalizing same-sex partnerships, with 66 per cent against. The number of supporters has increased since similar polls in 2016 and 2017. Two years ago, 69 per cent or respondents opposed the idea of legalizing same-sex partnerships, but 11 per cent supported them. In 2016, 74 per cent opposed, and the percentage of supporters remained the same - 11 per cent.
Asked about their position regarding legalizing same-sex marriages, 10 per cent of respondents were in favor, (a small increase), and 72 per cent were against. In 2017, such ideas were opposed by 74 per cent of respondents, and supported by 9 per cent, a slight increase since 2016 (7 per cent in favor, 80 per cent against).
Commissioned by Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, Vilmorus company has surveyed the opinions of 1005 people in 24 urban and 41 rural areas in February, 2019.