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Lithuanian residents approve unlawful enrichment prevention measures, show confidence in notaries - opinion poll


New legislation was found satisfactory by 14 per cent of respondents, dissaproved by 16 per cent of interviewees. 28 per cent were not able to answer the question.

"Lithuanian society trusts in notaries' abilities to implement new legal requirements, and the notaries are ready for the new job. Notaries may encounter some clients who have goals of unlawful enrichment, but mostly we will deal with citizens, representing honest and transparent business. Therefore notaries are looking forward to work responsibly in order to ensure the legal prevention and fulfill the legitimate expectations of the State and its citizens", Marius Stračkaitis, the president of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries said.

The poll, commisioned by Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, also asked the interviewees in which legal entities they were most confident. According to RAIT survey, most respondents -- 61 per cent -- trust in notaries. In 2013 the poll by "Vilmorus" company showed that 75 per cent of respondents trust in notaries most among legal entities.

The second position of public trust is taken by the lawyers who enjoy the confidence of 43 per cent, they are followed by policemen 42 per cent. Interviewees mistrust bailiffs most of all legal entities - 37 per cent are not confident in bailiff job.

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