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Lithuanian population trusts notaries, mistrusts bailiffs - opinion poll


According to sociological survey by Vilmorus public opinion and market survey company, among ten legal professions notaries have highest level of trust - 63 per cent of respondents are confident in them, 6 per cent mistrust. The survey was commisioned by Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries.

Policemen have second-highest rate of approval, 62 per cent of people trust them, 9 per cent mistrust.

40 per cent of respondents trust in lawyers, 32 per cent - in Special Investigation Service officials and State Security Department agents, 30 - in prosecutors, 29 - in judges. The only legal profession which is more mistrusted than trusted is bailiffs (22 per cent trust, 29 mistrust).

43 per cent of respondents could not evaluate the work of the Ministry of Justice. 29 per cent said that they feel confidence in Ministry's activities, 12 per cent had negative attitude.

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