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Lithuanian notaries share knowledge with colleagues from Uzbekistan


By invitation of German Federal Chamber of Notaries the president of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries Marius Stračkaitis made a presentation to colleagues from Uzbekistan in Berlin, December 13, 2017. Mr. Stračkaitis introduced Lithuanian experience reforming notariat from state-run to Latin type, the structure and tasks of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, co-operation with Ministry of Justice, training and assesment of notaries, use of the IT in notaries' work. 

The abovementioned presentation was a part of the program of a work visit of representatives of delegation from Republic of Uzbekistan, which consisted of notaries and employees of country's Ministry of Justice.

The system of notariat in Uzbekistan is still state-run. The country has made a strategic choice to reform the notariat in accordance to Latin type. Therefore the notaries and the Ministry of Justice are looking forward to exchanging experience and co-operating with the notaries in other countries. 

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