The conference had been hosted by Notary Chamber of Georgia and the International Union of Notaries (UINL). Lithuanian side was represented by the president of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, Mr. Marius Stračkaitis, Vice-president Mrs. Daiva Lukaševičiūtė-Binkulienė and members of the Board Svajonė Šaltauskienė and Jurga Prižgintienė.
The conference was dedicated to three major topics: notarial ethics and organization of notarial proffession in modern society, relations of notary with supervicory authorities and interaction of notary and public registers.
M. Stračkaitis delivered a presentation about qualification improvement system for notaries in Lithuania.
Notaries D. Lukaševičiūtė-Binkulienė, S. Šaltauskienė and J. Prižgintienė attended the discussions on the problems of notarian ethics and use of public registers in the daily work of notary.
The conference was attended by representatives of UINL and Ministry of Justice of Georgia, as well as delegates from Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Estonia, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belorus and Russia.