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Lithuanian notaries attend Latvian Sworn Notaries' Council jubilee in Riga


At a conference which was held in Latvian Parliament, Saeima, Marius Stračkaitis, the president of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries had delivered a presentation dedicated to mortgage law reform in Lithuania and its positive effects for the State, public and business.



The conference at the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia.

The President of the Latvia's Saeima Solvita Aboltina welcomes the participants of the conference.


M.Stračkaitis, the president of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, delivers a presentation on mortgage law reform in Lithuania.

Participants of the conference: members of Lithuanian parliamentary Committee on Law Vitalijus Gailius (far left), Stasys Šedbaras ir the president of German Koblenz Chamber of Notaries Richard Bock.


CNUE president Frank Molitor, the representative of Latvian Sworn Notaries' Council Dace Valgere, the Chairperson of the Latvian Sworn Notaries' Council Sandra Jakušenoka.

Vice president of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries Daiva Lukaševičiūtė-Binkulienė (left) ir president of Estonia's Chamber of Notaries Anne Saaber.


 Tour at Latvia's Parliament for Lithuanian notaries.

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