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Lithuanian experts attend 25th anniversary of notarial reform in Ukraine


Ukrainian notaries in national dresses. Photo by Pravo.ua

At the international conference, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Notarial Law of Ukraine, Lithuanian experts talked about the further necessary steps reforming Ukrainian notarial system in accordance to principles of Latin notariat.

The President of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries Marius Stračkaitis and Vilnius University Department of Law professor Vytautas Nekrošius were among participants of international conference "The Strategy of Notarial Development in Ukraine as Notaries of the Latin Type", which took place in Kyiv on September 7, 2018. The conference was attended by nearly 200 notaries representing all 27 regional branches of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine (NCU), as well as representatives from International Union of Notaries (UINL), Estonian, Georgian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish notariats. The assembly was greeted by Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko.

Professor Nekrošius' presentation was dedicated to delegation of authority and control of notarial activities and financial monitoring from Ministry of Justice to Notary Chamber. Professor overviewed the similar process that had taken place in Lithunia more than two decades ago.

Mr. Stračkaitis talked about the perspectives of development of electronic notariat, use of electronic registries and building up the eNotaras (e.Notary) system in Lithuania.

Lithuanian experts also expressed their views regarding the necessary further reforms of notariat in Ukraine. Their reinterated the position, previously expressed by UINL and international experts, regarding the need to abolish the system of state-employed notaries, also stressed the necessity to strengthen the NCU by delegating more authority and responsibilities to the Chamber.

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