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Lithuanian and international notarial community commemorates 25th reform anniversary


President of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries Marius Stračkaitis said in his speech that many opportunities in relations with the Ministry of Justice had been missed due to the lack of political deciseveness. Many important initiatives in legislature, spread of electronic services, etc. have been hampered.


Marius Stračkaitis (photos by Martynas Ambrazas and Olga Posaškova).

Mr. Stračkaitis critisized the interference of govermental competition bodies into the work and decisions of Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, as well as the lack of pro-active steps by Ministry of Justice in filling the gap of legal basis related to notarial tariffs.

 UINL Vice president for Europe Sigrun Erber-Faller.

CNUE president for 2017 term, Spanish notary  Jose Manuel Garcia Collantes.

German notary  Dr. Marius Kohler, upcoming CNUE president for 2018 term.

Mr. Richard Bock, Vice President of German Federal Chamber of Notaries.

Professor Gintaras Švedas, Vice Dean of Department of Law, Vilnius University.

Professor Vilenas Vadapalas, lawyer, fmr. Justice of European General Court.

Vilma Vildžiūnaitė, Advisor to Ministry of Finance.

Professor Vytautas Nekrošius,  Head of the Dept. of Private Law, Vilnius University.

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