UINL delegation, consisting of the President of the UINL International Notarial Co-operation Commission, Mr. Michel Merlotti of Switzerland, Mr. Roland Niklaus, Secretary of the above mentioned Commission, Mr. Tiit Sepp, notary of Estonia and Mr. Marius Stračkaitis, President of the Chamber of Notaries of Lithuania, met with the representatives of the parliamentary Law and Law Enforcement Committee, Ukrainian Vice Minister of Justice Mr. Gia Getsadze, as well as members of Council (Rada) of Chamber of Notaries of Ukraine.
Vice Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Mr. Gia Getsadze (left)
Meeting at the Ministry of Justice
Discussion at the Chamber of Notaries of Ukraine
Vice President of Chamber of Notaries of Ukraine, Mrs. Olga Onyshchyuk, and the President, Mr. Volodymir Marchenko