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Chamber of Notaries publishes a compilation of 20th Century notary's poetry


Pranas Lembertas (1897-1967), notary of town of Biržai in the Northern Lithuania, was also a prominent poet and author, theatergoer and amateur actor, singer, tennis enthusiast as well as active member of patriotic organizations and promoter of Lithuanian history. In his lifetime he has published several poetry books, which now had been compiled into one.

Commemorating Lembertas' 120th anniversary of birth and 50th of notary's death, Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries has announced 2017 a year of Pranas Lembertas.

The book was published in co-operation with Lithuanian literature and folklore institute. Dr. Eugenijus Žmuida has written an introductory article about Lembertas and compiled his poems. The book was published by Studija be pykčio publishing company.

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