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Three prominent German notaries awarded for their contribution to Lithuania's notariat reforms


On occasion of 75th Anniversary of German Koblenz Chamber of Notaries, the Presidium of the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries decided to award the representatives of the Koblenz Chamber of Notaries for their assistance to the Lithuanian notariat, who three decades ago provided support in the reform of the Lithuanian notariat, participated in meetings with the Lithuanian authorities and governmental institutions, helped in the preparation of the Law on the Lithuanian notariat, and organised joint qualification training events:
- Hans-Joachim Massing, former President of the Koblenz Chamber of Notaries, now Honorary President of the Koblenz Chamber of Notaries, Germany;
- Mr Hans-Jorg Assenmacher, former Governor of the German Chamber of Notaries of Koblenz, now Notary of Koblenz, Germany;
- Dr Rudolf Mackeprang, Councillor for Justice, former Governor of the Chamber of Notaries of Koblenz, Germany, now Notary of the City of Bad Kreuznach.
After the restoration of Lithuania's independence, the State undertook a reform of the Soviet notarial system, which was based on state notaries. It was decided to reform the system in accordance with the principles of the Latin notariat, where the notary is a private person authorised by the State to perform certain functions and to ensure the supremacy of law in civil relations. The German government decided to delegate notaries from several of its Lands to assist in the reform of the Baltic notariats. The Koblenz Chamber of Notaries was responsible for assisting the Lithuanian notarial reforms.
The Medal of Juozas Vilkutaitis-Keturakis, a pre-WW2 Lithuanian lawyer, public figure, writer, notary in the town Prienai, was established by the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries and is awarded to persons for special and exceptional merits in the Lithuanian notarial system. The medal was created by sculptor Gediminas Piekuras.

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